What We Offers?


The Transaction data is provided in two types one is manual and other is automated in which the data is imported in manual way & in automated type it fetches the data automatically after certain amount of time. The data contains the type details such as order, refund etc.


The Advertise data is provided in two types one is manual and other is automated in which the data is imported in manual way & in automated type it fetches the data automatically after certain amount of time. The data contains the campaign details & duration of the advertise


In SKU list we provide all the SKU list of the products which has details such as Buy Cost & Inbound Shipment fees.It provides the details of sku of all the products ,as well as the sku list can be imported

Revenue Tool

The Revenue tool provides the Net profit .It fetches the gross revenue & selling revenue accordingly afterwards it deduces the other fees and generates the net profit
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The dashboard is the perfect place to view all the statistics of business at once. It will cover probably all the aspects of the system.


Transaction Data

Transaction data provide you the complete data of orders ,refunds & many more it is provided in two type one is manual other is automated.

Transaction Data

Advertised Product Data

The Advertised Product provides you the complete data regarding the campaign details,their duration period.It will also show cost generated from it

Advertised Product Data

Sku list

In SKU list we provide details of unique SKU for all the products which can be directly imported in the system .

Sku list

Revenue Tool

It provides the Net profit.It fetches the gross & selling revenue, afterwards it deduces the other fees & generates the net profit.

Revenue Tool

Amazon MWS Credentials

In Credentials the unique seller id & authentication key is given to the seller to identify them uniquely

Amazon MWS Credentials

Choose Your Pricing Plan

Starter Plan


The starter plan comes with all the features and they can be used in manual way.
  • 24*7 Monitoring
  • Email Notification
  • Transcation data & Advertise Product data (Manual)
Select Plan
Standard Plan


The Standard plan also comes with all the features and they can be used in automated way.
  • Weekly Summary Report
  • Transcation data & Advertise Product data (Automate)
  • All active SKU
Select Plan
Pro Plan


The pro plan comes with all the features as well it contains dashboard , plans & can be used in manual & automated way
  • Dashbord
  • All features & Revenue Tool(Manual ,Automate)
  • Amazon MWS Credentials
Select Plan